Friday, September 25, 2009

Selvaraghavan’s flight to Ladahk

These days Selvaraghavan seems to be flying across globe on the attempt of finalizing locations for his upcoming untitled film with Vikram and ‘Subramaniapuram’ fame Swathi in lead roles.

The filmmaker had recently completed working on postproduction works and didn’t spare any moment for holidaying. Since, he has to shoot simultaneously for this untitled film and another flick ‘Idhu Maalai Nerathu Mayakkam’ with Dhanush-Andrea in lead, the filmmaker doesn’t think about taking a break.

On the pars, sources have revealed that he’s going through tough time in personal life ever since he split up with his wife Sonia Agarwal.

Meanwhile, Sonia Agarwal has already started shooting for the bilingual film with Upendra in lead role, in which she performs the role of widow.


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