Thursday, September 10, 2009

Pyramid Saimira didn’t have money to complete ‘Marmayogi’: Kamal Haasan

Tamil thespian Kamal Haasan Thursday rubbished reports that he had breached his contract with Pyramid Saimira by leaving “Marmayogi” in the lurch and clarified that the “production house didn’t have enough funds to finish the project”.
“The debacle of our film ‘Marmayogi’ and the circumstances around it are well known. I worked on ‘Marmayogi’ for a year. I made elaborate preparations, had sets built and even did some shooting. I didn’t take any other assignment during that period,” Kamal said in a statement.

“The project was put on back burner because Pyramid Saimira could not arrange funds to continue shooting. Having lost one year and an income of about Rs.40 crore, I had issued a notice to Pyramid Saimira on April 12, 2009 demanding payment of Rs.40 crore,” he added.


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