Thursday, September 10, 2009

Bhoot ROKKK the shoot!

Supernatural thriller Rokkk is already thrilling the cast and crew during its making. Fear has been rocking on the sets of the film Rokkk.
According to our source present on the set of the film, the unit members felt that some power did not want them to continue with the shoot. They would erect the set in night, only to see it knocked down in the morning when they would reach to shoot on the same. “Though no major damage was done, but it would harm the set, and increase the workload. It’s like we had to place the set all over again,” informs the source.
The film stars intense actor Sachin Khedekar with sensuous Udita Goswami and Tanushree Datta in lead. May be the bhoot on the set did not like the cast-combination and so did not want them to shoot.


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