Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Prabhu Deva’s wife swears to kill Nayanthara

Alas This could be the hardest outburst of a wife yearning for her husband’s love and affection. It’s all about choreographer-filmmaker Prabhu Deva, his wife Ramalath and actress Nayanthara.
Prabhu Deva and Nayanthara have been in a close relationship for the past couple of months. They’ve been traveling together across various places and indeed plan to get married shortly.
But Prabhu Deva’s wife Ramalath has openly stated that she would take Prabhu Deva to task if he desolates her and marries Nayanthara. When things are working out, Ramalath strongly admits that she will go to any extreme, even killing Nayanthara, to get her husband back.
Precisely responding to the frustrated statement by Prabhu’s wife, Nayanthara utters, “I am really wondering why she’s getting so excited merely by reading rumors. I and Prabhu Deva are good friends and we aren’t planning to get married.”


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