Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Endhiran’s final schedule from Sep 10

Rajnikanth’s magnum opus “Endhiran’ is fast on the heels of completion, as the actor himself had announced that 85 percent of filming has been done. According to the sources, director Shankar has called back his team for the next schedule, which will start rolling from September 10.
The previous schedule was shot in and around the regions of Mayajaal Multiplex, situated in the outskirts of Chennai.This upcoming schedule will be shot in an indoor set at AVM Studios. Although, director Shankar hasn’t confirmed officially about the film’s completion, sources close to him have stated that it will be the final schedule for this two and a half years project.
Once, the filming is done the entire team will kick-start vigorous promotions, as Sun Pictures has planned for a unique approach while HBO will promote the film across western countries.


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