Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Ravichandran slows down and relaxes

Star Ravichandran has planned to slow down, relax and take the backseat. According to him, he has reached a stage where now he feels that he doesn’t need his films to release every three months. All that he wants to concentrate on now is to make good and meaningful films and keep his fans happy. As of now, his current film is Manjina Hani of which- some feel its complete, while some say he is planning to re-shoot some parts of it. But according to Ravi, all that is left to be shot in the film are the songs. He personally feels that, as the film is about the sentiments of a child, it is going to click with the masses.
The son of the superstar is also said to be all geared up to make his entry and is currently said to be busy with his acting and dance classes. Ravi has been giving a lot of acting tips over the years to his son, as he felt that his son always had the spark in him to make it in cinema.
As far as giving tips is concerned, Ravi not only advises Manoj but also, is into social networking and is in touch with many young stars and wannabes. They keep in touch with him by sending him words of admiration and he in return helps them with his acting tips.


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